空、大地、風、光、微生物、ミミズや鳥、人間たちと交わり、 互いに支え合いながら、種は大きな生命の網をつむいでいます。
過去100年の間に、地球上の70-90%以上の野菜の品種が消失しました。過去に壊されてきたのは自然環境だけではなく、自分自身との、そして生きとし生けるものとの関係性です。 一方で、世界各地で多くの人々が、種と人間の新しい繋がり方を模索しはじめています。
One seed for the birds in the sky,
One seed for the insects in the earth,
And one last seed for the humans.
This proverb has been passed down orally in different parts of Japan and other Asian regions, with different variations.
While it teaches a particular farming technique to sow multiple seeds at once, this proverb also depicts a worldview where all beings are interconnected and interdependent - humans can only thrive in a world where birds and insects also thrive.
The form of relationship with a single seed reflects the way of relationships with all the beings on Earth .
My work is a prayer to remember, restore, and re-create sacred relationships with the seeds and the Natural world.